Part One: Empty-Gaze Full-Minded Place
Do you know that you can be in two places concurrently? It’s true, there’s a place, secret, private, infinite place that’s within the minds of mankind. This is my favorite of all places. While in the physical world, my body resides, my mind can then zoom to another place of free thought. Do you know of this place that is yours alone? Have you ever been “here” but not really “here”? Or been asked, “Hello, Earth to … anybody home?” You were probably in your place. The beauty of my place is how free I feel, my mind victoriously races, possibilities are endless, and my soul is liberated while there. To title it, I’ll call it my empty-gaze, full-minded place. Do you get where your place is yet? As a fort is to a playing child, this free state of mind is to all persons individually. In this place anything goes, all barriers of reality crumble, no hindrances can ambush you. While in my empty-gaze full-minded place my trains of thoughts chug down limitless, twisting tracks. I grab inspired thoughts tightly with extended dendritic arms to drag them back into reality. Finite reality hurts me, my heart throbs and my brain aches; However, I can drift into my mental real, escaping into my empty-gaze and full-minded place. Where’s your place of freedom from reality?
Part Two:Problems with Answers
But lurking demonic thieves hidden in shadows, wait to steal the free-thinking of aging youth, and replace it with rigid, socially conformed ways of thinking. The lost cognitive drifting, and out-of-the-box thinking is what needs to be changed. We must protect the cognitive place that’s unique in the minds of all mankind. Socially, there are degrading terms that have been attached to this mental vacation like detached, distant, aloof, cut-off, or spaced. These terms show how unacceptable this way of escaping reality, even for a moment, is in our world today. To help protect our cognitive, unique places we must visit them. Don’t allow the heavily laden arm of social pressure tighten it’s grip on who you are, and we are what’s in our mind. Exemplify your place, be individualistic, think freely, stare into empty space occasionally, let your mind wander and share what you find. Do these things and you and your place will prosper. Don’t do this and you’ll develop robotic tendencies, programmed in ways of thinking, dressing, talking, following fads, or seeking the next rung of the social hierarchal ladder. Don’t be a robot and slap the hand of social pressure away, escape reality once in a while and be inside you, follow your mind.
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