Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Virtual kidnapping of youth

What has happened to our youth? While cruising my two-wheeled, leg-driven self-propelled transportational device, AKA Bicycle, around I grow increasingly perplexed by the mystery of where the children have gone. Have you seen any lately? While occasional kids can be tracked down running through the hills, fewer are sighted out and about as each day passes. No good old "stick-ball games" bein' played, that's baseball for ya youngens, or wild-lookin,wolf-raised, mountain-goat-rock-hoppin, Indiana-Jonesin , little-beboppin kids jettin along the hillsides posing as Rambo.
    My proposed answer to this mystery, is that the exponential increase of gaming systems has resulted in todays youth planting themselves two or so feet from the television screen to play video games, rather than spending their play-time among the trees and infinite realm of nature. Furthermore, the ever growing cases of health problems, specifically diabetes and obesity, that recently has began plauging our younger humans is directly related  to the immense increase of stationary hours spent gaming, instead of running, jumping, ducking, and climbing, causing healthy heart beats they could potentially be thumping, if their choice was to play outside in the crisp, fresh air.
Beginning my investigation, a number of interviews was imperative in my collection of data. My first interviewee was chosen not because of documented credentials, but for his deep and passionate involvement in gaming in his own life. Daniel Ramsey is an extremely intelligent man, with consistent above- average academic test-scores, and a high level of literacy, or being very well read, he seemed an appropriate person for a look of the gaming world.
Starting off, Mr. Ramsey claimed there is a high level of intelligence required in a number of games. His  belief is that scenarios presented to an individual playing certain games demanded a lot of, critical thinking to complete the quest, or task that the gamer faced. I found this an interesting concept and was intrigued, so I dug deeper. I found that cognitive demands in games can be found easily, but how would a person experienced in dealing with these virtual problems be able to cope with the testing trials of reality. Mr. Ramsey supported his standpoint by explaining that repetition of these virtual situations led to an instinctive reaction in the gamers real life problems.
Mr. Ramsey presented some excellent insight into the benefits that could be gained from gaming; However, I still had serious problems related to the gaming implementation into our youths lives, specifically social and health issues.

Stay tuned for a further dig into the gaming worlds good and bad affects of our youth.

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